Empath Cyber - Here's what we're working on!

Empath Cyber - Here's what we're working on!


Curious what we're building? Here’s a sneak peek!

I’ve been more than a little busy working behind the scenes at Empath Cyber. So many of you have reached out and asked me:


It’s more than what I’m building. It’s not just the content. It’s a promise I want to make to you, and one that I’ll do everything I can to see come true:

I want to see your MSP succeed in cybersecurity. I want to see you grow. I want to see your MSP hit the next level. And not just you. Your entire team!

But we’re not there yet. We need a bit more time. So in the meantime, I wanted to drip you just one TINY piece of some amazing content!

This is a client focused video in a series called Four Cybersecurity Misperceptions and How to Avoid Them. It’s designed for your clients. It’s something you can share in a QBR. Or even text to them as a conversation starter.

Take a peek!

That’s just a tiny piece of what Empath Cyber is all about. I can’t wait to share the rest with you!

Let me know what you think! And one thing you can do for me as we wait for Early Access — let your friends know about Empath! It’s not too late to sign up today!

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