Empath Cyber Open House - We're all wrapped up!

Empath Cyber Open House - We're all wrapped up!


Wow! 125+ on the guest list?

What can I say? The Empath Cyber Open House was a stellar event. Over 125 guests and so much great feedback! If you missed the event, I’ve got great news for you! Below is the link to the recording. If you want to see what the event was all about, I’ve got you covered!

Empath Cyber Revealed

Today was an amazing day. Nearly a year in the making. And so much more to come! Here’s just a few of the things we revealed:

  1. MSP Focused Course ContentUnique cybersecurity courses directly tailored to help every MSP build their cybersecurity acumen and build new knowledge to drive better cybersecurity conversations and sales opportunity.

  2. Client Focused ContentDo you ever struggle with staying relevant with your clients? Empath is here to help. Today we showed off all the new content that will help your MSP stay relevant in the cyber news cycles, address the typical client sales hurdles, and ultimately help your MSP seize every opportunity to succeed.

  3. Live Content Right When You Need ItCybersecurity isn’t easy. Especially for your non-technical teams. And yet, those are the folks that usually need the most help. How can we build better knowledge and comfort around cybersecurity to result in more revenue and better client success? That’s exactly what Empath Cyber’s live content is geared towards.

Want to get started today? I can’t wait to have you join Empath Cyber! Pricing starts at as low as $75 per MSP employee each month which includes everything we have to offer. Also, we have huge enterprise discounts as you bring in your entire team.

After all, remember: Empath Cyber isn’t just for the technical security wizards. It’s built for everyone. And I can’t wait to see you there!

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