Free client video from Empath Cyber!

Free client video from Empath Cyber!


NEW and FREE client-facing security video you can use today!

At Empath Cyber, we’re all about helping you grow in your cybersecurity journey. Security isn’t easy. And learning how to “speak” it can be even harder. After all, where do your non-technical, vCIO, and leadership teams go to learn cyber?

Before Empath Cyber, most MSPs had few to zero options. But that’s now all changed. But we’re not just focused on you. We also want to help your clients as well!

Last week, we released a new client facing video covering some of the new data uncovered by Pew Research that found that Americans now fear a cyber attack more than nuclear attacks, pandemics, and climate change!

Crazy huh? We thought so too.

But we can use this to start a conversation. Are your clients equally fearful? If not, why are they not in the norm? Shouldn’t they be fearful?

Actually, no. They shouldn’t. Because you can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

That’s what today’s video is all about. And I want you to not just watch it, but use it! Feel free to use this video in your email campaigns, drips, or social media marketing.

I mean it. It's yours to use. Attribution free. And if you want more, come join us at Empath Cyber! Memberships start at just $75/month. Come find out why over a hundred folks have already joined and are growing like crazy in their cyber knowledge and building new revenue as well!

Americans now fear cyberattack more than nuclear attacks! Here's what you should do about it!
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