Free holiday cybersecurity video from Empath Cyber

Free holiday cybersecurity video from Empath Cyber


Free Video from Empath Cyber: Safe & Secure Holiday Reminder

Let's be honest. The holidays are an amazing time. Everyone is excited about the turn of the season and literally ZERO clients are thinking about security.

So let's get into their headspace for a minute, shall we? Cybersecurity is critically important during the holiday season. That's the opportune time to strike -- when eyes are elsewhere and we only want to be with family and friends.

And as the news cycles would have it, Microsoft just released a notice about a sophisticated threat actor called DEV-0579 who is using malvertising links to deliver their nastiness. And you should be aware. And so should your clients!

Here's a short 3 minute video you can (and should!) use with your clients today. This video (and so much more!) is available for everyone at Empath Cyber. If you’re not a member and would like to learn more, reach out to us here to get started!

This can be a great conversation starter, or perfectly packaged up in your social media or newsletters. Feel free to incorporate it in any way you choose!

Stay Safe and Secure This Holiday Season
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