Next Week! Hot Seat Interview on Cybersecurity Assessments! 🎤

Next Week! Hot Seat Interview on Cybersecurity Assessments! 🎤

Join us next week for the Empath Cyber Hot Seat!

What’s up Empath Cyber friends! Guess what? Our very first Hot Seat begins next week on December 6th at 1pm ET! I’m insanely excited about it and wanted to make sure you have a chance to join. (And if you aren’t an Empath Cyber member yet… just scroll to the bottom of this email. I’ll get you in free to this event!)

—Wes Spencer

Have you ever felt like your cybersecurity assessments are lacking something?

Fear not! This is one of the most common challenges MSPs face today. How do you create an engaging, compelling and accurate cybersecurity assessment? How do you get a client to understand where they stand and why they need your MSP?

A good cybersecurity assessment can convey exactly where a client stands and what they should focus on addressing. And more than that, good cybersecurity assessments land more client and build more revenue every single time.

So join us on December 6th at 1pm ET! We’re going to be tackling this issue in depth! Our guests will be Shawn Brown from SnapTech IT and Alex Farling from Life Cycle Insights.

Here’s just a piece of what you’ll learn:

  • How Shawn became one of the best at cybersecurity assessments

  • What makes a great cybersecurity assessment

  • How to convey value to the client and close more deals

  • How to create a cybersecurity assessment (because let’s be honest, most of the time we just talk about an assessment but never show how to do one!)

One last thing… if you aren’t ready or able to become an Empath Cyber member yet… just reply to this email. I’ll get you added to our event as a guest for free. 

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