Two Empath Cyber Events This Week! Come join us!

Two Empath Cyber Events This Week! Come join us!


Two Huge Events! All This Week!

What’s up my friends! Wes Spencer here. How is this for a Tuesday pick-me-up! We’re hosting two amazing events this week at Empath Cyber. One is happening TODAY so mark your calendars!

STOP ASSUMING what your clients know about tech!

As technologists, we're just too close to the tech. And because of that, we often times miss out on first opportunities to be relevant and thereby lose mindshare as a thought leader. Take ChatGPT for example. By now, nearly all of us have an account and have toyed around with it. And so we assume everyone else has used it too. But they haven't. You can still blow their minds and make amazing tech relevant. In this live stream, Wes Spencer will share a few relevant examples of game changing technology that most of your clients have either never heard of or don't realize their relevance. Wes will also show you the keys to unlocking these technologies in an engaging and relevant way. As a bonus, Wes will share a few of his favorite websites for aggregating trending tech and security topics.

How to host your FIRST EVER client cyber event!

Have you ever wondered how leading MSPs are gaining new clients every month and building new revenue? There’s a few secrets that really shouldn’t be a secret at all. One of them are client facing events.

Yes, they take some work. And great ones take a small financial commitment as well. But they pay off in huge dividends. How do I know? I’ve personally helped leading MSPs create and deliver some amazing community learning events that have turned into hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales opportunity.

At Empath Cyber, we’re all about that. Come join us on Thursday, January 19th at 3:00pm as we unlock these incredible secrets! Currently, this event is for Empath Cyber members ONLY but if you’d like to join us, just reply back to this email and let me know. I’d be glad to get you in!

By the way, are you interested in joining us at Empath? Reach out today! I’d love to get you a demo and show you all the amazing things we’re doing at Empath Cyber!

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