Uber Hacked Yet Again -- Here's Why This Matters

Uber Hacked Yet Again -- Here's Why This Matters


Here's the deal -- the cyber news is all abuzz about the Uber breach. Yeah, it's bad.

But guess who probably doesn't understand the ramifications behind the breach?

Your clients.

Are you sharing relevant cyber news with your clients? Take every opportunity you can to get in front of your clients to help them understand WHY it matters.

This is just one piece of why I created Empath Cyber. We're here to help you with exactly this. Today's video is aimed right at your end user clients who wonder: "why does this Uber hack matter to me?"

And I figured... why not share this one with everybody?

It's yours to use. Without attribution. Yep, I mean it. Have it. Share it. Embed it.

Want more? There's soooooo much more waiting behind the scenes.

If you’d like an early access tour, schedule a meeting with me soon!

Uber Hacked Again - 2022 Edition | Empath Cyber
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