We’re Back to the Cybersecurity Basics: And Here's Why This is Your MSP Secret Weapon!

Here's why EVERY MSP needs to invest in its own training and career development to survive... plus the latest HUGE NEWS about RejectionCon!

Power Up by Empath Cyber

In today's rundown:

  • 🧠 SonicWall Says It: We’re Back to the Basics

  • 🤖 The Latest from RejectionCon!

Read time: 3 minutes 👇

SonicWall Says It: We’re Back to the Basics

The latest 2023 Threat Mindset Survey from SonicWall has hit the streets. And in it was one interesting and telling correlation:

The cybersecurity skills cap is still as big a problem as ever. And where’s what makes that super scary for MSPs:

Usually, MSPs can’t compete with the salary offers of enterprise. Which means two things:

  1. We’ve got to create other incentives that matter to employees like work/life balance and the ability for employees to grow in their careers with clear learning pathways. (By the way, did you know that LinkedIn says that 94% of employees will stay longer in their company if it invested in career development?)

  2. We’ve also got to come to grips with the fact that in order to be survivable in today’s immensely competitive hiring landscape, we probably just need to build our own talent pipeline. We aren’t going to be able to hire recruiters and hire security talent away from enterprise unless we have $120k-180k salaries.

    Which we don’t.

    So that means what? You’ve got to hire folks with no skills, but a love for technology and aptitude and train them from scratch.

    And don’t be fooled. This isn’t an “alternative”. It’s not a “woe is me, this is my last shot”.


    This is your secret weapon. Let high paying enterprise jobs swipe away the expensive talent. You can go build your own. At a price you can afford. And building and training top tier culture fit among your folks as you’re doing it.

But in order to do all of this, you need clear learning pathways, a formalized learning system, and a platform and community to get you there.

As luck would have it, that’s exactly how we see the world, too. At Empath, you can do just that. Jump in with us at https://www.empathmsp.com and learn more about how we can help you survive and thrive!

Head on over to our website and book a demo with us any time to see what’s going on behind the scenes!

The Latest from RejectionCon!

RejectionCon registration is now live!

Ready to be among the first to get in the door at RejectionCon? Passes are now open! And as promised, it’s a “pay what you can model”. Remember, 100% of all proceeds are going to the Rural Tech Fund, a 501c3 that is helping invest in underprivileged school systems throughout the US!

While I recommend a donation of $50, you can give MUCH more than that if you want to. Also, we have MSP passes that can get your entire MSP in the door (every single employee) starting at just $500!

Buy the $500 MSP pass and give your employees the code FREEMSP and they’ll get 100% off their conference pass!

Ready to submit a talk?

We still have room for speakers! Do you have an awesome talk that you submitted to a conference only to be rejected? Sad day. NOT ANYMORE! You can submit your talk right here!

https://www.rejectioncon.com/awesome so get in on this now before our Call for Papers closes!

That's all for now!

If you have any interesting projects or ideas, please reach out to us by wes@empathmsp.com or hit me up on LinkedIn. As always, thanks for reading, and see you next time. 🫡

Find Empath and Wes here: