New Video: The Minor Leagues of Cybersecurity: Every MSP Starts Somewhere

So here we go. I did a huge thing with Alex Farling and Kyle Christensen this week. And I’m sharing it for everyone in the Empath Cyber PowerUp Newsletter!

No, your MSP is not too small to handle modern cybersecurity. Even a 1 man shop needs to have a plan. But what about a large, PE funded MSP on a growth trajectory to take over the world? Yep, you need a plan as well.

So what does this look like for every MSP? It’s different at each revenue level. And we’re unpacking that in this awesome video (below). 

This video recording is private only to members of the Empath Cyber PowerUp Newsletter. But feel free to share this with anyone else you’d like! Just hit that forward button!

Oh, one more thing. Below the video, you’ll get access to version 1.0 of our MSP Revenue Maturity Stage model. It isn’t perfect. It’s a working document to be sure. And we’d love your input on it as well.

Tell us how we can make it better. We’re all ears! But we’re also committed to helping MSPs at every revenue level raise their game in cybersecurity. The SMB market depends on it.

Oh hey, did you enjoy this newsletter? Want more? Check us out at Empath Cyber! For just $75 a month, you can dive deep into training and next level growth in cybersecurity. We also have MSP memberships at over 80% discount levels.

Reach out to us to learn more!