🪢 The Secrets of the Rope: A Lesson in Cyber Security Growth

Ropes are pretty amazing things. You can tie things (not people, ok?!) down with them. You can use them to haul stuff. You can literally climb mountains with them. But there’s one thing a rope just can’t do. Ever.

Power Up by Empath Cyber

In today's rundown:

  • 🪢 The Secrets of the Rope: A Lesson in Cyber Security Growth

  • 🔥 Something Huge is Brewing at Empath Cyber

Read time: 4 minutes 👇

The Secrets of the Rope: A Lesson in Cyber Security Growth

Ropes are pretty amazing things. You can tie things (not people, ok?!) down with them. You can use them to haul stuff. You can literally climb mountains with them.

But there’s one thing a rope just can’t do. Ever.

You can’t push a rope.

You’ll fail every single time. But you can pull with a rope. Every time without fail. And that’s the exact problem so many of us have in cybersecurity. We push instead of pull.

When our decision makers just don’t want to take the ride with us in cybersecurity, the first question you should ask yourself (after your temper tantrum) should be:

“Am I pulling them along with me? Or am I pushing them along in a way that’ll never work?”

Here’s what I mean — great security leaders only pull. They start the journey themselves. They carve and pioneer that pathway. And when they’ve reached their summit, they then pull others up to them.

You just can’t push someone to go where you’ve not been. So that brings up this question: if you want your decision makers and clients to get better, are you getting better yourself?

If you’ve committed to getting every client to complete the CIS Controls security framework, have you finished it yourself? (Side note: if you’re working towards that check out our FREE podcast on the CIS controls right here: https://www.thecybercast.com)

I’m not promising that every client you pull alongside you will come with you. But when you pull them to where you’re already at a few things will happen:

  • You become a coach and advisor vs. an armchair quarterback

  • You build the confidence to KNOW you’re asking the client to do the right thing

  • You are only asking them to do what you’ve already done yourself and they’ll benefit from your guidance.

Something Huge is Brewing at Empath Cyber

We’re growing like crazy at Empath Cyber. Have you taken a minute to check out what we’re all about? We’re helping MSPs/MSSPs of all sizes grow in cybersecurity capability.

Not just your security leaders. Or your business owners. But literally everyone in the organization. From sales, marketing, account management, vCIOs and everyone in between, we’re focused on getting everyone into a growth trajectory that is required if you’re going to build better cybersecurity revenue, close more deals, and hit the goals you’re focused on.

Don’t take my word for it. Listen to what Bob Miller, COO of Global Data Systems out of Louisiana has to say about Empath Cyber.

And if you’re ready to take a peek at Empath Cyber and see why so many MSPs are joining the cause, you can book us up right here!

And lastly, stay tuned on the future of Empath Cyber. The future is bright. I’ve got some really big things in store for MSPs, and I’ll just say this: we aren’t focused solely on cybersecurity. I want to help your entire MSP grow from every angle. Over the next few months, you’ll see how that’s going to pan out. So stay tuned!

That's all for now!

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If you have any interesting projects or ideas, please reach out to us by [email protected] or hit me up on LinkedIn. As always, thanks for reading, and see you next time. 🫡

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