Special Report from ITNation: Secure!

Brand new data from cyber insurance carriers... and the results could be scary!

Power Up by Empath Cyber

In today's rundown:

  • 🤖 IT Nation Secure: Special Report

  • 🔥 Here’s what the cyber insurance carriers are saying about ransomware!

  • 🧠 What I’m eager to find out about at ITN: Secure!

  • 💻 Are you here? Make sure to attend my talks!

Read time: 4 minutes 👇

IT Nation Secure: Special Report

I just checked in last night to IT Nation Secure. The folks at CyberFOX (meaning: me!), FifthWall (also: me!) and Lumu hosted an awesome pre-day party at TopGolf. Really enjoyed meeting so many of you!

Event though it was evident that I can’t hit a golf ball, the fun and games made it all worth it. Speaking of which, here’s a few things that are top of mind for me at ITNation Secure:

  1. Will ConnectWise announce a security acquisition? The past few years, the rumor mill was quite active and the news leaked. Not a peep this year. But we’ve not seen a security acquisition in the past two years. Is this the time for an announcement? Stay tuned, but my hunch is probably not.

  2. What will ConnectWise do in response to Kaseya’s cyber insurance announcement? While it’s my personal opinion that the Kaseya approach to solving cyber insurance is slick if you are all-in with Kaseya, that same heavy handed approach probably won’t work for most MSPs. Once again, my hunch is that there won’t be a compelling solution offered for MSPs at IT Nation Secure. And that’s ok by me.

  3. The future for security and the channel is automation. But hardly anyone is talking about that right now. Will ConnectWise present any ideas or solutions around security orchestration? So far, that’s a rare unicorn in the channel right now. Give us another year or two and security orchestration is going to hit fever pitch in terms of market demand.

Oh yeah! So I’m speaking this week, too! Here’s the run down of what you need to know to attend:

  • I am speaking on Tuesday at 10:30 on: Cyber Insurance and MSPs: Caught in the Crossfire. I’m dropping some brand new data on MSPs that no one has ever covered before. It’ll be awesome! Reach out if you’d like a copy of the slides.

  • I’m also speaking on Wednesday at 10:30 on Best of Both Worlds: Privileged Access Management. This is a brand new talk I’m giving that should be loads of fun to cover! Don’t miss it if you’re coming to IT Nation!

Here’s what the cyber insurance carriers are saying about ransomware!

Some brand new data just dropped from the carriers on Q1 2023. The news isn’t good. While all of 2022 saw a vast decline in the volume of ransomware, we are seeing just what I’ve been predicting… a resurgence of ransomware attacks are on the way.

Fresh from Marsh, the following data leaves room for concern:

  • Frequency of ransomware has returned following a brief lull last year compared to 2021.

  • Ransomware-related claims rose 77% in the first quarter 2023 compared to Q4 2022.

  • Privacy-related claims are up 85% over the last quarter of 2022. (Privacy meaning claims that are not malicious in nature. Things like accidental data deletion or disclosure.)

So things are picking up. Now is the time to get your house in order. And all your MSP clients too. I fear that the reprieve of 2022, largely due to the Ukranian conflict, may be over soon.

That's all for now!

Make sure to come say hello if you’re coming to ITNation Secure!

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If you have any interesting projects or ideas, please reach out to us by [email protected] or hit me up on LinkedIn. As always, thanks for reading, and see you next time. 🫡

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