Three Keys to Cybersecurity Selling Success in 2023

Here's three things that have never failed me in selling cybersecurity...

Today I wanted to talk about something simple that can yield huge results. It all comes down to this:

How the heck do I start getting my clients to care about cyber?

You need to do three things to get to cybersecurity success with your clients. Focus on these and I promise you'll start to win more deals and grow your #MSP in the direction you need it to go. Ready? 👇

1. Teach
You need to become a trusted educator. That's where you start. Always. Nearly every SMB I talk to lack any in-depth knowledge about security and the risks they face. So that's your job to impart valuable insights and empower your clients to make informed, risk-based decisions.


Easy. Focus on these things: Highlight industry trends for them. Bring it home in a way that matters to them. Simplify anything complex into understandable terms. And always use analogies.

Trust me. There's no end to the educator's journey. Start here and you'll never find an end.

2. Tailor
In security, a one-size-fits-all won't work. That doesn't mean you don't unify around a #framework like CIS Controls. But every client is in a different part of that journey.

Your ability to understand that and deliver a solution tailored to their maturity will go so far in showing you understand their needs and are thereby capable of a solutions.


Conduct a risk assessment. Use that to guide your next steps. This will give you a holistic understanding of their needs. Next, prioritize everything. Nothing is on fire if everything is a P1. Lastly, ALWAYS communicate value attached to every prioritization.

3. Take Control
Only now can you take control. Try and do this too early and the client won't trust you. You're just a salesperson if you rush it. But if you wait until you've taught and tailored, now you're positioned to take control. To influence them. And to give them a roadmap of what to do next.


Actively listen to them throughout the journey. Ask relevant questions and prove you understand their concerns. Present a compelling argument that is supported by facts, trends and best practice. Lean on the assessments you've already performed. Lastly, focus on regularly updating clients on progress, roadblocks, and any threats they may face in their client journey.

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